Authentic and natural like its home country, Italy.

Bella Italia – the original sun-kissed source of indulgence and Mediterranean lifestyle. Surrounded by the sparkling deep-blue waters of the sea and framed by the majestic beauty of the Alpine peaks and idyllic valleys, Italy captivates all who visit. Amidst this stunning natural landscape, lies the source of our pure and minimally mineralised ­ACQUA  MORELLI, drawn from a pristine location at an altitude of 1,000  metres in the unspoiled ­Maritime Alps.

The Italian mineral water – as pure as Mona Lisa’s smile.

Unique, natural and pure. The mountain water flows through unspoiled nature which has been untouched by agricultural usage. Where everything heeds the rhythm of nature. ­ACQUA  MORELLI is blessed with an incomparably low mineral content of just 44  mg / l – a unique feature compared to other mineral waters.

»Italy is inconceivable without our forza azzurri. And ACQUA MORELLI is the perfect fit: beautiful aesthetics and authentic origins always make for a bella figura!«

Borgo Antico Bistrot

Mineral water and wine  – the perfect Italian pairing.

We Italians know how to enjoy life. Beyond our love for traditional food, we have spent generations perfecting the art of wine growing, producing exceptional ­wines year after year, many of which are award-winning. This deep-rooted passion for the culinary arts is reflected in every detail, including the choice of mineral water to accompany selected wine. With its minimal content, ACQUA  MORELLI heightens the sensitivity of the taste buds and acts as a neutralizer, making it the ideal preparation for perfect wine enjoyment.

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Wir freuen uns, euch einen exklusiven Einblick hinter die Kulissen unseres neuesten Fotoshootings in der wunderschönen Stadt Ostuni in Süditalien zu geben! 📸🇮🇹

Erlebt die Magie und Eleganz von ACQUA MORELLI in einem atemberaubenden Setting, das die Essenz unseres Premium-Wassers perfekt einfängt. 💧✨

Bleibt dran für mehr spannende Inhalte und lasst euch von der Schönheit und Reinheit von ACQUA MORELLI inspirieren. 🌟#ACQUAMORELLI #Fotoshooting #Ostuni #Süditalien #PremiumWasser #BehindTheScenes #Eleganz #Magie
Sonne, gutes Essen und noch bessere Gesellschaft – was will man mehr? ☀️🍽️ Mit ACQUA MORELLI wird jede Mahlzeit zu einem Genussmoment. Reine Erfrischung in jedem Schluck! 💙 #PureExcellence #AcquaMorelli #FineDining #LuxuryWater #RefreshingMoments
Genuss beginnt hier. 💙 Erstklassige Gastronomie trifft auf reines ACQUA MORELLI – für den perfekten Moment am Tisch. #PremiumWater #EnjoyMorelli
Perfekte Abende beginnen mit einem Glas. 🥂💫 ACQUA MORELLI – für die besonderen Momente. #CheersToLife #AcquaMorelliMoments

Ideal accompaniment to food and drinks.

High quality gastronomy relies on ACQUA MORELLI.

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